Sermon's Playlist: 2017 2017-03-26 1 Corinthians 13 - The Ingredients of Love - Pastor Bond2017-03-26 The Christians Common Failures - Bro. Derek Seeley2017-01-15 Apostolic Letters -Bro. Derek Seeley2017-01-08 John 3 16 - Pastor Bond2017-01-01 The Expected End of the Year, The Start of the New Year - Derek Seeley2017-03-12 How To Find Happiness - Pastor Bond2017-03-12 A Blessing Lost - Bro. Derek Seeley2017-01-15 Freely Ye Have Recieved, Freely Give - Pastor Bond2017-01-22 Hope Is In Christ - Pastor Bond2017-01-29 Anger - Pastor Bond2017-02-12 Being Heirs Together of the Grace of Life - Pastor Bond2017-02-19 Are You Going to the Wedding - Bro. Derek Seeley2017-03-19 Love One Another - Pastor Bond2017-03-19 Barnabas Knew the Heart of Christ - Pastor Yant2017-03-05 The Consequences of Undefeated Sin - Pastor Bond2017-03-05 Equiping the Next Generation - Pastor Yant2017-02-26 The Journey - Bro. Tomlinson2017-04-02 Barnabas - Standing Strong - Pastor Yant2017-04-09 For This Cause He Came - Bro. Derek Seeley2017-04-02 1 Corinthians - Enduring Love - Pastor Bond2017-04-16 Many Infallable Proofs - Pastor Bond2017-03-12 As The Deer - Dorina Bond and Donita Binzel2017-03-05 Lord, Your All I Need - Alex Morales and Joanna Oliver2017-01-29 Such Wonderous Love - Joanna Oliver2017-04-09 How Deep The Fathers Love For Us - Joanna Oliver and Kimberly Yant2017-03-05 Lord, Your All I Need - Alex Morales and Joanna Oliver2017-04-30 The Sower - Derek Seeley2017-04-30 Envy - Pastor Bond2017-04-16 The Resurrection - Pastor Yant2017-01-01-The-Way-Everlasting-Joanna-Oliver2017-03-26 God Have Mercy - Joanna Oliver and Elisia Taylor2017-05-28 Spiritual Requirements For A Missionary - Derek Seeley2017-05-14 Honour your Mother - Alejandro Morales2017-05-28 We Must Remember - Pastor Bond2017-05-21 The Honour - Jared Kuiper2017-05-21 The Blessing of Overcoming Laodiceas Church - Pastor Yant2017-05-07 Love Is Not Proud - Pastor Bond2017-05-07 The Seven Churches - Pastor Yant2017-05-14 Characteristics of Motherhood - Pastor Bond2017-06-18 The Awesome Responsibilities of Fatherhood - Pastor Bond2017-06-18 A Proper View of God - Bro. Alex Morales2017-06-11 Love Is Not Easily Provoked - Pastor Bond2017-06-11 5 Things That Must Be Established To Keep Our Children In Church - Bro. Derek Seeley2017-05-31 Why We Can't Lose Our Salvation - Pastor Bond7-23-2017 Love ...All Things Pasor Bond7-23-2017 Two Q Acts 10- Pastor Mike Yant2017-07-23 Above The Voices - Johanna Oliver and Derek Seeley2017-07-23 I Come - Johanna Oliver2017-07-16 What Defines You - Pastor Yant7-9-2017 We Were Created To Glorify GOD - Pastor Mike Yant2017-06-25 Love Thinketh No Evil - Pastor Bond2017-06-25 Laodecian Effect - Pastor Yant7-16-2017 Pastor Bond7-16-2017 BFBCCC7-9-2017 Love One Another - Pastor Mike Yant7-2-2017 Righteousness Exalteth A Nation- Pastor Bond7-2-2017 Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear - Pastor Mike Yant8-20-2017 The Love Of God Pastor Bond8-20-2017 All And Allways Bro. Alex Morales8-16-2017 Jared Kuiper8-13-2017 Dr. Horton2017-8-6 More Love To Thee - Johanna Oliver and Joshua and Melody Yant7-30-2017 Pastor Bond7-30-2017 True Repentence Pastor Mike Yant7-26-2017 Honor By Pastor Jared Kuiper8-6-2017 Follow me- Bro. Derek Seeley8-6-2017 First Love Pastor Bond9-10-2017 Pastor Bond9-10-2017 Bro Derek Seeley9-2-2017 Five Principles Of Prayer Pastor Mike Yant9-2-2017 Da vid And Bathsheba Pastor Bond8-27-2017 jared8-20-2017 All And Allways Bro. Alex Morales8-20-2017 The Love Of God Pastor Bond8-23-2017 Honor The New Man Pastor Kuiper8-27-2017 Pastor Bond10-22-2017 Trusting The Lord -Bro. Derek Seeley10-22-2017 The Holy Spirit - Pastor Mike Yant10-15-2017 Shepherding Bro. Derek Seeley10-15-2017 Israel Con. Pastor Mike Yant10-1-2017 How To Get GODS Attention Bro.Derek Seeley10-1-2017 The Rapture Pastor Bond10-8-2017 Pastor Mike Yant 210-8-2017 Pastor Mike Yant9-24-2017 Bro. Binzel 29-24-2017 Bro. Binzel9-17-2017 The Rapture -Part 1 Pastor Bond11-26-2017 Pastor Yant11-26-2017 Pastor Yant11-26-2017 Pastor Bond11-19-2017 What Does Thankfulness Do11-19-2017 Thanksgiving Check List Bro. Derek Seeley10-29-2017 Walking In The Spirit Pastor Mike Yant11-5-2017 Occupy Till I Come ( What should be our response) Pastor Larry Bond11-5-2017 Take The Little Foxes That Spoil Your Vines Bro. Derek Seeley't Lose Your Focus Pastor Bond11-12-2017 Pastor Mike Yant10-29-2017 Rapture... What Should Be Our Response Pastor Larry Bond12-24-2017 The Right Time, Person, Purpose Pastor Bond12-24-2017 Bro Derek Seeley12-17-2017 Unto You Pastor Bond12-17-2017 Willam Yant12-10-2017 Standing For Sound Doctrine Pastor Bond12-3-2017 His Ways Are Past Finding Out Pastor Bond12-3-2017 Security In Christ Bro. Derek Seeley12-10-2017 Messiah Mosiac Pastor Mike Yant Sermon's Playlist: 2018 1-7-2018 Bro. Alex Morales1-7-2018 God Always Keeps His Promises Pastor Bond1-14-2018 Pastor Jared Kuiper1-14-2018 The Consequences Of Sin Pastor Bond1-21-2018 Mark The Perfect Man Bro. Derek Seeley1-21-2018 It Is Time To Seek The LORD Pastor Mike Yant1-28-2018 A Spiritual Audit Pastor Bond2-4-2018 Christians With Lapsed Faith Pastor Mike Yant2-4-2018 Zerubbabel Bro. Derek Seeley2-11-2018 Finding Treasures In the Darkness Pastor Bond2-11-2018 Pastor Mike Yant2-11-2018 Rejoice in the LORD-Johanna Oliver2-16-2018 Bro.Kevin Byers2-16-2018 Dr. Bill Patterson2-17-2017 Comitment William Yant2-17-2018 Dr. Bill Patterson2-18-2018 Revival In Missions Dr. Bill Patterson2-18-2018 Dr. Bill Patterson2-25-2018 Grace Pastor Jared Kuiper2-25-2018 The Storm Pastor BondJohanna3-4-2018 After The Revival Pastor Mike Yant3-4-2018 Takers And Givers Pastor Bond3-11-2018 Pity Bro. Derek Seeley3-11-2018 Maintaining The Spirit Of Revival Pastor Bond3-25-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper3-25-2018 Pastor Bond4-1-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper4-1-2018 Pastor Bond4-8-2018 Forgiveness Bro.Jared Kuiper4-8-2018 Fear Pastor Bond4-15-2018 The Importance Of Family Pastor BondThe Love Of God Nathan and Johanna4-22-2018 follow the spirit William4-22-2018 Bro. Derek Seeley5-2-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper4-29-2018 Bro. William Yant4-29-2018 Bro. Alex Morales5-6-2018 Peace Bro. Derek Seeley5-6-2018 Pastor Bond5-13-2018 A Wise Woman Bro. Derek Seeley5-13-2018 The High Calling Of Motherhood Pastor Bond5-20-2018 Doctrine Conviction Bro. Kuiper5-20-2018 Enemies Of The Family part 25-16-2018 Fellowship Bro. Kuiper5-27-2018 Marriage According to God Pastor Bond5-27-2018 Bro. Alex Morales5-23-2018 Proverbs 6-12 13 Bro. Derek Seeley6-3-2018 Biblecal Courtship Pastor Bond6-3-2018 The Ark Of God Is Taken Bro. Derek Seeley6-3-2018 Jesus, Lover of My Soul's Silence Bro. Alex Morales6-10-20186-20-2018 Sunday School Bro. Jared Kuiper6-17-2018 A Good Man Pastor Bond6-17-2018 Bro. Willam Yant6-24-2018 Interduction To The Life Of Daved Bro. Derek Seeley6-24-2018 Walking In The Spirit Pastor Bond6-27-2018 Jesus Is Comming Again Jared7-8-2018 Alone Pastor Bond7-8-2018 Bro. Derek Seeley6-27-2018 Jesus Is Comming Again Jared6-30-2018 Bro. Derek Seeley6-30-2018 The Hope Of America Pastor Bond7-4-2018 Liberty Bro. Jared Kuiper7-11-2018 Moses and Balaam Bro. Jared Kuiper's Faith Put Into Action Bro. Derek Seeley7-18-2018 Proverbs 17,9 Bro. Jared Kuiper7-21-2018 David Defeats Goliath Bro. Derek Seeley7-22-2018 Bro.. Jared Kuiper7-29-2018 Take Responsebility For Your Sin Bro. Jared Kuiper7-29-2018 Unity in the Church Pastor Bond8-1-2018 Put Your Armer On Pastor Bond8-5-2018 The Word Of GOD Bro. Jared Kuiper8-5-2018 True Victory Pastor Bond8-12-2018 1 Corinthians 7 Pastor Bond8-12-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper9-2-2018 Pastor Bond8-26-2018 Pastor Bond8-8-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper8-15-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper8-19-2018 7 Pillars Of A Wise Man Jared Kuiper8-19-2018 Bitterness Pastor Bond8-22-2018 Jared Kuiper8-26-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper8-26-2018 Pastor Bond8-29-2018 Bro. Jared Kuiper9-5-2018 Selfcontrol Bro. Jared Kuiper9-9-2018 friends and enimies DerekSeeley9-9-2018 Pastor Bond9-12-2018 Patience Bro. Jared Kuiper9-16-2018 Bro. Binzel Part 19-16-2018 Bro. Binzel part 29-23-2018 Bro. Derek Seeley9-23-2018 Pastor Bond9-30-2018 Derek Seeley9-30-2018 Pastor Bond10-3-2018 Jared Kuiper10-7-2018 Bro. Byers10-10-2018 1 Corinthians 8 Bro. Jared Kuiper10-14-2018Psalm 59 The Mind Of David Bro. Derek Seeley10-14-2018 Seven Pastor Bond't Bro. Jared Kuiper10-21-2018 Desperet times Bro. Derek Seeley10-21-2018 Good Samaritan Pastor Bond10-24-2018 Bro. Kuiper10-28-2018 A Beloved Leader Bro. Derek Seeley10-28-2018 He Reviled Not Again Pastor Bond10-31-2018 Modesty Bro. Jared Kuiper11-4-2018 Returning Good For Evil Bro. Derek Seeley11-4-2018 Pastor Bond11-7-2018 Why We Sing In Church Bro. Jared Kuiper's Life Bro. Derek Seeley11-11-2018 Pastor Bond11-14-2018 Santa Claus Bro. Jared Kuiper11-18-2018 Returning Good For Evil Bro. Derek Seeley11-18-2018 God Is Good Pastor Bond11-21-2018 Why KJV Bro. Jared Kuiper. Jared Kuiper11-25-2018 Pastor Bond11-28-2018 Why is God so powerful - Bro. Jared Kuiper a12-2-2018 Be Not Weary In Welldoing Bro. Wild12-2-2018 Jared11-25-2018 A Prudent Wife Bro. Derek Seeley